Memphis Rise Up: Coalition for Palestine Planning Meeting

First Congregational Church | 1000 Cooper Street 1000 Cooper St, Memphis, United States

  Sign up to attend this important first planning meeting of Memphis Rise Up, instigated by Memphis Queers for Palestine. Please consider attending, and help this important gathering to end the genocide…

Workplace Organizing Committee Meeting

Contact if you want to attend and need this event's address/location information. Memphis, TN, United States

The purpose of this committee broadly is to support efforts at unionization, labor solidarity, and worker cooperative formation in west Tennessee. Attend to support unorganized and newly organized workers, learn skills to…

Memphis-Midsouth DSA General Meeting

Contact if you want to attend and need this event's address/location information. Memphis, TN, United States

General Meetings for our chapter bi-monthly on the second Tuesday of each month during 2024. These meetings in particular are for voting on motions and resolutions, electing new officers, reports from committees,…

Mutual Aid Committee Exploratory Meeting

Contact if you want to attend and need this event's address/location information. Memphis, TN, United States

Join us for an exploratory meeting as we discuss forming a Mutual Aid Committee for Memphis Mid-South DSA and brainstorm ways we can support and uplift our community together. Non-DSA members are…

Socialism & Solidarity: An Intro to Memphis-Midsouth DSA

Contact if you want to attend and need this event's address/location information. Memphis, TN, United States

Are you new to the DSA, curious about joining, or looking to reconnect with our Memphis-Midsouth chapter? Join us for an introduction to the foundational principles of socialism, the work we do…

Workplace Organizing Committee

Contact if you want to attend and need this event's address/location information. Memphis, TN, United States

The purpose of this committee broadly is to support efforts at unionization, labor solidarity, and worker cooperative formation in west Tennessee. Attend to support unorganized and newly organized workers, learn skills to…

Workplace Organizing Committee

Contact if you want to attend and need this event's address/location information. Memphis, TN, United States

The purpose of this committee broadly is to support efforts at unionization, labor solidarity, and worker cooperative formation in west Tennessee. Attend to support unorganized and newly organized workers, learn skills to…

Workplace Organizing Committee

Contact if you want to attend and need this event's address/location information. Memphis, TN, United States

The purpose of this committee broadly is to support efforts at unionization, labor solidarity, and worker cooperative formation in west Tennessee. Attend to support unorganized and newly organized workers, learn skills to…

Socialist Social

RP Tracks 3547 Walker Ave, Memphis, United States

Feeling frustrated and fired up? Join socialists, friends, and fellow travelers to kick off a new year of political struggle! During the week of Trump's inauguration, this event is a chance to…

Mutual Aid Committee Meeting

Contact if you want to attend and need this event's address/location information. Memphis, TN, United States

Join us for we continue forming a Mutual Aid Committee for Memphis Mid-South DSA and brainstorm ways we can support and uplift our community together. Non-DSA members are welcome.

Workplace Organizing Committee

Contact if you want to attend and need this event's address/location information. Memphis, TN, United States

The broad purpose of this committee is to support unionization, labor solidarity, and worker cooperative formation in west Tennessee. Join this meeting to support unorganized and newly organized workers, learn workplace organizing…

Memphis-Midsouth DSA General Meeting

Contact if you want to attend and need this event's address/location information. Memphis, TN, United States

General Meetings for the Memphis Midsouth DSA Chapter occur bi-monthly. They are held on the second Tuesday of every other month during 2025. These meetings in particular are for voting on motions…