Mutual Aid Committee Meeting

Contact if you want to attend and need this event's address/location information. Memphis, TN, United States

Open to members and interested/supportive guests - this committee supports mutual aid efforts, studies mutual aid approaches, and builds our own original mutual aid projects.

Workplace Organizing Committee Meeting

Contact if you want to attend and need this event's address/location information. Memphis, TN, United States

Open to members and interested/supportive guests - this committee organizes to increase worker control over their workplace, politics, and lives. We work alongside the broader DSA chapter to organize for power.  

Mutual Aid Committee Meeting

Contact if you want to attend and need this event's address/location information. Memphis, TN, United States

Open to members and interested/supportive guests - this committee supports mutual aid efforts, studies mutual aid approaches, and builds our own original mutual aid projects.

Workplace Organizing Commitee Meeting

Contact if you want to attend and need this event's address/location information. Memphis, TN, United States

Open to members and interested/supportive guests - this committee organizes to increase worker control over their workplace, politics, and lives. We work alongside the broader DSA chapter to organize for power.  

Memphis-Midsouth DSA General Meeting

Contact if you want to attend and need this event's address/location information. Memphis, TN, United States

General Meetings for our chapter bi-monthly on the second Tuesday of each month during 2025. These meetings are for chapter updates and decisive business, including voting on motions and resolutions, electing new…